
Self-standing upright - 3 way

Lengths Finishes * Special finishing   Materials Legend: Aluminium Steel Plastic 3000
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Correlated Each image send back to the technical sheet Article Description Material Finishing Quantity C86.3000.NAT Aluminium
L28.P0JJ.NAT Central supports adjustable by CAM - length 280 mm Aluminium
PIE.AL08.NAT Aluminium foot - M8 Aluminium
PIE.ATS8.NAT Ceiling luminium foot - M8 Aluminium
PR5.AY20.ZIN Joints with high load capacity for 90° connections between TR5, TRL and self-standing profiles. Sliding insertion Metal
R30.3000.ANE Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.3000.DOL Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.3000.NAT Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.3000.NOX Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.3000.SLX Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.3000.SSO Rectangular hangrail 30 x 15 mm Aluminium
R30.INCA.ANE Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.INCA.DOL Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.INCA.NOX Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.INCA.ORO Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.INCA.SLX Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.INCA.SSO Holder for rectangular hangrail R30 Aluminium
R30.TMFI.CHL Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMFI.NER Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMFI.NKL Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMFI.NKO Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMFI.NKS Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMFI.OTT Steel finishing end cap, fits flush with R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.CHL Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.NER Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.NKL Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.NKO Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.NKS Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
R30.TMRI.OTT Steel raised finishing end cap (to stop hangers), for R30 hangrail Metal
TR5.1000.NAT Multifunction profile crossbeam/self-standing Aluminium